According to the description from 1883:
“Because of the similarity of names, some people think that the name of the city Kołomyja derived from the Roman settlement, Colonia; however, there are others who maintain that the city was given its name by the Galician king at the beginning of the 13th century”.
Oskar Kolberg came here in 1880. In September, local regionalists initiated the organization of the ‘Ethnographical Exhibition of the Chornohora branch of the Tatry Society’. The head of the organizational committee of the exhibition was Władysław Przybysławski, who often hosted Kolberg in Czortowiec.
The committee used, among others, the authority of Kolberg in letters sent to potential curators of the exhibition: “We have the honourable support of the well-known ethnographer, Oskar Kolberg”.
Kolberg engaged actively in the preparation of the exhibition and collection of the items; moreover he created the lists of the exhibits, which is included in his archive.
In the foreword to the monograph of Pokuttia, he wrote:
“The ‘Ethnographical Exhibition’ in Kołomyja immensely enriched our research material. Apart from numerous industrial items and tools, and things of great worth for an ethnographer and archaeologist, there were descriptions and writings related to the way of living and speaking, descriptions of rites, customs and witchcraft known among people. The exhibition gave evidence to the fact that this country possesses large ethnographical and archaeological material, which is waiting to be explored”.
Kolberg wrote also about the local beliefs:
“People from these regions believe that in the past bad spirits fell down from the sky in the form of drops of water and mist; wherever a spirit fell he has stayed in the same place and has played tricks on people”.