
Kolberg collected there descriptions of many annual customs related to Christmas, the last day of carnival (the local tradition related to this day is called 'Podkoziołek'), the first day of Lent (Ash Wednesday) as well as Easter.

On Ash Wednesday the inhabitants of Siekierki organized parties and games:

“On Ash Wednesday, after a service, all married women gather in a tavern. Each of them holds a bag of ash. They walk with a violinist in front of them, who was ordered some time before. Women have a good time and play together, and when a man appears they cover him with ash, so he needs to run away.

There are also another games, for example women wear male clothes and mess around with one another. They throw ash, or oppose young girls (as if they were boys).

In the evening when all married women are in the tavern, men are allowed to come also. Each of them takes a husband or a friend as a dance partner and has to dance with him wildly at least once. This is believed to guarantee her a good flex crop.

The volume includes many superstitions, such as the following:

“They do not allow siblings or relatives to throw a hand full of soil on a coffin, when it’s lowered into the grave. If somebody wants to do this, they immediately pull him or her away from the grave, because they believe that this can brought this person death”.

While describing the inhabitants of Siekierki Kolberg noticed an interesting object:

“A peasant often  holds a thick cane with a lead ferrule. This cane is used in fighting, especially during a church fair. In the last century, almost each fair left two or three dead after those fights”.

