
Kolberg visited this town during his travels in 1861, 1863, 1883 and 1884.

He took advantage of the hospitality of Julia and Gabriel Załęski, the relatives of the Konopka family. The ethnographer documented here the extensive collection of ritual songs and accounts of customs and beliefs. This folkloric material reveals the cultural mixture of this region resulted from the constant interaction of Polish and Ruthenian cultures.

In the monograph of the Przemyśl region, there is the following the description: “Iskań is a village with beautiful green space and an Orthodox church on a hill. It is located by the San river, to which, from the east side, the Iskań stream flows in. Above the village, the Iskań mountain can be seen”.

Kolberg collected here some information about Christmas customs:
“On Christmas Eve, everyone fasts starting from the morning. During the day they prepare for the supper; they prepare poppy seed rolls from various flours, and cook fish, as well as porridge from boiled wheat with poppy seeds and honey. They say that the tradition of eating porridge derives from one of the Ruthenian saints who lived in the woods. The supper begins with mushrooms and dried fruits. Later, they take a spoonful of the porridge and throw it at the ceiling; if it sticks, it is a sign of a rich harvest for the next year; however, if the poppy seeds stay and the rest falls down, it is a sign for rich poppy and vegetables, but not corn in the next harvest. Next, they plait ropes from straw which later they use for tying the trees. It is believed to bring them large harvest next year. At midnight they go to the church”.

In addition, the inhabitants of Iskań believed that “when a woman comes to buy some milk, she cannot go into the chamber in which the milk is stored; otherwise, she can cast a spell on the milk, and the cow can stop giving milk.”

Moreover, local people held the belief that “natural phenomena have magical powers, and influence people’s health and well-being. Every person in Iskań, upon hearing the first spring thunder, falls to the ground and begins to roll; even if they are in the middle of work, or if the ground is muddy. This is supposed to protect them from aches and stomach rumblings. They can also carry something heavy or hold a foe upside down to protect themselves from sicknesses”.

In the monograph of the Przemyśl region, there is the account of a malevolent water spirit ‘Topielnik’ [a kind of a merman]:
“In Iskań, on Sundays and other holidays, no one swims in or across the river. People believe that at that time ‘Topielnik’ can pull them underwater and drown them. It is a spirit in the form of a small man with hair to the ground. The exception is when someone crosses the river to attend the service or to visit a priest or a doctor; in that case the power of ‘Topielnik’ does not work”.

There is also information about the property of common lilac:
“Common lilac is a malicious bush. One cannot dig it out, especially its roots, which are the source of devil powers. If someone digs it out, his hand will dry up or his relative will die. There is also a possibility that he will suffer other misfortunes, such as sickness, disease of cattle, or flood. If someone, only by chance, moves the roots of the bush, he will certainly get ‘kołtun’ [plica polonica]”.