Kolberg went on an outing to Prussian Masuria while he stayed in Pomerania. Firstly he wento to Królewiec, and later to Ełk and Giżycko. This trip took place in the first part of September 1875.
There were not many manors in this area; thus, he had to finance the travel on his own (a significant part of this money came from the Commission of Anthropology of the Academy of Arts and Sciences in Cracow). He was lucky to meet some people who were ready to help him. This travel had a more exploratory character. His field research was focused on getting closer relations with local folklore experts and people involved in ethnography. He became acquainted with Herman Pełka, a pastor from Królewiec, Marcin Giersz, an editor from Giżycko, Karol Remus, the protestant superintendent from Ełk and Reinhold Giżycki, a parish priest from Ełk.
The materials to this region were published in the volume of The Complete Works, see Prussian Masuria (CWOK vol. 40)