Schematyczna mapa zasięgu monografii regionalnych O. Kolberga, obejmująca tereny przedrozbiorowej Rzeczpospolitej oraz inne regiony. Dla obszarów będących obecnie w granicach Polski oznaczono granice regionów według podziału zastosowanego przez Kolberga w jego monografiach. Poszczególne partie Mapy Głównej opatrzone są nazwami zaczerpniętymi z monografii regionalnych Kolberga oraz wyróżnione kolorami.
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Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
The Sandomierz Region
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“The Kujawiaks are a separate type of Polish people...
The Cracow Region
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The Grand Duchy of Poznań
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The Lublin Region
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The Kielce Region
The Radom Region
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The Łęczyca Region
The Kalisz Region
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Pokuttia / Carpathian Ruthenia
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The Chełm Region
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The Przemyśl Region
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Prussian Masuria
Kolberg went on an outing to Prussian Masuria while he stayed in Pomerania. Firstly he wento to Królewiec, and later to Ełk and Giżycko. This trip took place in the first part of September 1875.
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The Region of Mountains
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The Tarnów and Rzeszów Regions
The Sanok and Krosno Regions
Belarus and Polesie
It is known that in 1837 Kolberg worked in Jelgava as a private music tutor, and that, at that time, he travelled to Lithuania and Belarus.
Kolberg got interested in the culture of Lithuania in the 1840s. In 1846 he prepared and got permission to publish ‘O pieśniach litewskich i melodie do pieśni litewskich ‘[About Lithuanian songs and melodies to Lithuanian songs], a paper that was included the following year in a literate magazine ‘Dzwon Literacki’.
Red Ruthenia
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Kolberg did not conduct his own research on the terrain of western Slavdom. There is no evidence also that he had any direct contact to Lusatia or their inhabitants.
Czech Republic, Slovakia
The first time when Kolberg visited Czech Republic was in 1829, when he was 15 years old, later he went there as a novice scientist in 1841.